Why Do I Fail at Making Friends As An Adult?

Why Do I Fail at Making Friends As An Adult?

As a 30M, I’m embarrassed I’ve never learned how to do this, but I don’t know how to make friends.

For context: I lived in the same town growing up and had a solid group of friends. I left for college and lived in several places for work but never made friends in these situations. Eventually, I moved to where my old high school friends were. It felt good to have a support network around me again – but also dispiriting that I had made such little progress as an adult.

It has been exhausting – our first year is wrapping up and it has been really difficult to form friendships, regardless of gender. I try to invite guys in my class to hangout but I am always told everyone is too busy, even though I know they are going to parties or on weekend trips. Continue reading „Why Do I Fail at Making Friends As An Adult?“